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SEO Tips for Blogs That Get Noticed on Google

We help creative leaders harness the potent power of community (online and IRL) with content strategy, education, and events.








Craft Your Unique Cocktail for Content That Connects.


It’s often a challenge to access powerful SEO tips for blogs, specifically. Your website SEO thrives when your website is visited frequently, and when your visitors stick around to explore multiple pages of the site.

If we had a nickel for every time a web design client asked, “will you make sure my website comes up on Google?” And, rightfully so! Visibility in an online search is SO important. Especially now, as so many businesses pivot and the online market becomes more saturated.

If you’re asking yourself, “what is SEO?!” check out this post for a refresher on SEO basics to ensure your website is set up to make searchable magic. Then, hop back over here and keep reading.

I know – you came here to learn tips on SEO for blogs. We’ll get to it, promise. But first, it’s important to understand why having a blog is essential.

Remember how we mentioned SEO likes when people visit your site frequently? Creating a space to host new content on a weekly/monthly/however-much-works-for-you basis is an *awesome* way to keep people coming back for more.

Blogs are an incredibly powerful tool for improving website SEO. Good SEO means – *drum roll, please* – your website will rank higher on Google.

Our Top 5 SEO Tips for Blogs:

  1. Make sure your blog contains 300 words, or more.
  2. Decide on an SEO key phrase – no more than 4 words in a row – that presents in your title. Extra points if it’s the first 4 words of your title. This phrase will need to be woven into your blog content several times: the first sentence, somewhere in the last paragraph, and in your sub-headings.
  3. Include Images, and make sure to incorporate “alt text,” that contains your SEO key phrase. One or two images suffices, though. No need to stress out about filling your page with photos (unless it’s relevant to the content).
  4. Use links, both outbound and internal. Internal links help the reader stay on your website for longer. Outbound links boost SEO by increasing trust in the quality of your website as a source. Think: citing references, or plugging your pals – outbound links to your website will improve your SEO, too. It’s super, super, SUPER important to triple check all of your links, no matter where they’re headed, to make sure they aren’t broken. Google hates that sh*t.
  5. Blog SEO is easily driven by ensuring people who are already in your community are accessing your blog. Putting a direct blog link in your Instagram bio / link tree, using Pinterest to drive blog traffic, and keeping your community up to date about new posts through an on-brand mailing list platform, are all amazing SEO tips for blogs that get great Google search results.

Bonus tip:

Develop your content, then add your SEO. At the end of the day, offering your audience content that the need, love, and want to engage with, us going to ensure your blog continues to get visits. SEO can be injected ANY time throughout the life of your website – so, don’t freak out about optimizing your site at the expense of your blog copy.

SEO is a powerful way to expand your reach online, and something we weave into all of our web design experiences. Looking to learn more about how a beautifully branded website with powerful SEO can broaden your customer base? Book a discovery call with us here.


The Appleyards

SEO Tips for Blogs

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